Social Media Marketing (SMM) and Pay per Click (PPC) are the branches of the same tree called Digital Marketing. Although both of them use different techniques; On one hand SMM helps in gaining traffic and generating lead through social media platforms organically and on the other hand PPC uses search engine advertisement to generate clicks for the website which is inorganic. Both have their own set of advantages that helps a business to flourish. Let us look into them more elaborately.
Social Media Marketing (SMM)
This internet marketing includes creating and sharing content on any social media platforms to attain marketing and branding goals. According to Social Media Examiner about 96% of marketers are currently participating in social media marketing for a better reach. Let us look a little more deeply about its advantages.

- Firstly, SMM is known to establish trust and credibility among the users as the engagement and followers influence a large amount of people to visit the website.
- Secondly, it increases brand name and recognition as you can share your story and increase awareness about yourself to potential audience.
- Furthermore, the traffic on your website will increase organically which is an add-on advantage to your business as your website ranking will witness a great hike.
- Moreover, it develops strong and meaningful relationship that helps you to engage with people directly and know about their feedbacks regarding the business and website.
- It is quite obvious if you have good reach your sales will automatically be higher as it is rightly said “Great product and service if promoted well will drive huge sales.”
- Through advanced targeting you can target different people differently using various platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc.
Pay Per Click (PPC)
The sponsored ads you often see at the top of Google’s search page marked with yellow label is an example of Pay Per Click. Every time your ad is clicked a visitor reaches your website and you pay a small fee to the service provider. Unlike SMM, pay per click can be launched quickly and brings rapid results. Let us check out more such benefits it provides.

- PPC is cost effective; all you have to do is plan a strong strategy. The initial investment can be quite minimal if you take a look at competitive landscape and then set a budget accordingly.
- The results of PPC can easily be measured as it has metric that allows advertiser to see whether their ads are generating conversions and profits. You can easily have a track of no. of viewers, number of clicks have your expectations have met etc.
- Other very important perk of PPC is that it allows you to have control over your campaign. You are wholly authorized to optimize user experience, filter unnecessary traffic and reach your target market locally or internationally.
- SMM can provide you results but PPC will provide you instant results, this is the amalgamation of nature of business and mind set of people; users usually click on the first few URLs for any information they require so this is the strength of PPC.
- The best part of this is that there is no dependency on SEO once you have created profitable campaign you don’t have to worry about Google and the changes that are being done in ranking algorithms.
We can’t reach to any conclusion which one is better either SMM or PPC as both have their own pros and cons; so we leave the decision unto you. Comment which one according to you is better than the other and give a valid reason in support of your answer. Waiting for you valuable judgment!
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